helpful links
The following websites are a great starting point - they each have a Directory of Homeopaths and various information pages. The NCH represents the grassroots homeopathic movement, and NASH and the CHC are the certifying organizations for the professional homeopath in the US and Canada. The AIHC is an organization that provides certification to qualified homeopathic practitioners from around the world.
National Center for Homeopathy (NCH)
North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH)
Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC)
Association for International Homeopathic Certification (AIHC)
Some Introductory Books
The following books are good introductions to homeopathy
Homeopathy: Beyond Flat Earth Medicine by Timothy Dooley ND, MD. A wonderful introduction to homeopathy with chapters that address the skeptics concerns. You can read the first edition free online
Some interesting articles
Extraordinary evidence - research about Homeopathy
Will Homeopathy work for me? Stories from real people.
Frequent false statements about Homeopathy…and the truth
The Mystery of Extreme Dilution and why it works
Homeopathy and Science get along just fine…read how!
The Rebound Effect - explained through Homeopathic principles
The Roots of Homeopathy's Image Problems